A Kennedy Space Center Adventure (With Sixth Graders!)

When you become a parent, you get to enter school field trips in your travel log. They count! Many times, they are destinations you might not plan to visit on your own, and it’s definitely a whole new experience traveling with and caring for several children your child’s age. One of the coolest trips I’ve gone on was with my oldest son to Kennedy Space Center in Titusville, Florida. The day started early, but we needed every minute of time we had there to explore the complex. We arrived at the school at 6:45 a.m…

Share What You Have

“But give that which is within as charity, and then all things are clean for you.” Luke 11:41 This photo makes me so happy! It is just a small portion of the breastmilk I pumped and froze in early 2016. But it wasn’t for my child. After my surrogacy, I pumped milk for the little guy while he was in the hospital. We knew he would be born early and had discussed a plan a few months prior. I happily agreed to pump as long as the bio parents wanted me to, and they had just asked if…