A Sweet Book, A Hopeful Message, A Lifelong Guardian Angel

“But my big sister looks out for me, just like she would do if she were here.”

Jeba Pandian and her daughter Sophia have written a touching, positive and hopeful children’s book reflecting on the beauty of Sophia having a guardian angel, her big sister in heaven.

While the topic is heartbreaking, Jeba and Sophia (and the bright, inviting illustrations by Cynthia Meadows) bring you into a world of hope and happiness that can be so needed after a loss. While their hearts will always miss her, the belief she is with them and watching out for her little sister brings a feeling of peaceful comfort that touches the readers as well.

My cousin lost her firstborn daughter several years ago at the age of 7. Her little sisters still talk about her and she is still very alive in their hearts and their house. She is still a part of their conversations and their daily lives. I thought about her the whole time I was reading this book, and it made me smile to think about her watching over her family and especially her little sisters.

“My Sister Is My Guardian Angel” is a BEAUTIFUL way to remember the sweet loves we’ve lost, and to acknowledge that they will always be a part of our lives, as angels walking with us, lifting us up, talking with us, and smiling down upon us.