Introducing Stacks of Life Book Club!

I’m so excited to finally introduce my book club. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, and just needed the time to get it together! 🙂 When you have a chance, visit my Instagram or Facebook page to watch the introduction video and see what Stacks of Life is all about! And we’re jumping into our first book this week! It is. . . The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry By Gabrielle Levin This book has been on my tbr list for years and I’m so excited to dive into it. We…

21 Years

Today is our 21st wedding anniversary. When I think about that number it baffles me. How in the world have we already lived 21 YEARS as husband and wife? It just seems like time has passed too quickly. There’s so much we still want to do and yet 21 YEARS have already been checked off. And then, I think about the actual LIFE we’ve lived and I smile. Not because it’s been bliss . . . because marriage, and life, isn’t. We’ve felt devastating grief that rocked our souls. We’ve experienced…

Pay Attention

To my sweet boys, Pay attention. Watch how he treats me. See how he looks at me. Listen to how he speaks to me. Take note of how gently he touches me. Remember how he smiles, and laughs, and prays, and cries with me. He’s doing this right. He’s loving me like I want you to love. He’s showing you, so pay attention. You know what he’s really doing? He’s making the effort. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive or elaborate. It needs to be thoughtful…

Watching you. . .

I remember watching you sleep when you were the tiniest baby. Praying over you and praying for your safety, and hoping I’d know what to do next. Now I’m watching you drive next to me. Praying over you and praying for your safety, still hoping I’ll know what to do next. And while I’m so thankful for your amazing accomplishments and your incredible growth and your stunning mind, I’m also baffled by how it all happened so fast. That baby who changed our lives was JUST IN MY ARMS. How…

Whatever You’re Doing At Home, It’s Fine

Are you using this time at home to catch up on laundry? Or is your hamper overflowing? Either way, it’s fine. Is your child’s distance learning program organized on a color-coded schedule on the fridge? Or are you winging it and adding in some life skills and PBS Kids to your days? Either way, it’s fine. Are you making homemade meals and freezing them? Or are you using food services with contactless delivery? Either way, it’s fine. It really is fine. Whatever your days look like, whatever you’re doing…

I’m Not An Expert, But I Love You

I’m not a very good cook. But I will ALWAYS try to put something healthy on your plate, with a little something sweet here and there too. I’m not a great singer. But I will ALWAYS turn up the volume and sing along with you. And I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS think of you when I hear the lullabies I sang to you on so, so many nights as I rocked you to sleep. I’m not so talented in the arts and crafts department. But I will ALWAYS encourage your creativity and give you all…

Maybe It’s Harder Than It Looks

The life behind the Instagram shot isn’t always as it seems. Sure, sometimes it might be. Maybe this person brought her Thanksgiving books and read them to her little one as they cuddled under their blanket and watched big brother play goalie in his early morning soccer game. Maybe he dove for the ball and even when he missed it he pumped himself back up, stayed positive, and kept at it. Maybe it was a fun family outing on a cool November morning and then they all walked hand-in-hand back to the car and happily piled…

What Does 6 Months of Grieving Look Like?

What does the 6-month mark of grieving look like? I imagine it looks and feels a little different for everyone. Time has now gifted you a bit of separation from the initial shock to your heart and mind. The pain isn’t gone, but somewhat softened. You’re not healed, but at least moving. You can find your smile, but the tears still find you too. In our house, 6 months after losing my brother-in-law, it’s . . . different. Death can do that. It has the power to change the way you live, think, work…

“Before We Were Yours”: Compelling, Emotional, and Beautiful

I knew the general idea of “Before We Were Yours” from friends’ recommendations. I knew I wanted to read it, I knew it would probably make me cry at some point, and I knew it would suck me in from the first page. I wasn’t ready for there to be a part of me that just wanted to hurry to the next chapter, past the uncomfortable and heartbreaking descriptions, and on to the lighter, modern day stories, so I wouldn’t sob and shake my head at the ugliness of this world. But a…

39 Reasons Spring Break At Universal Studios Was Our Best Vacation To Date!

We’ve never taken a vacation like this. . . A week-long getaway with all four boys, an incredible theme park hotel, and multiple days at the three Universal Studios parks. Whew. We had high hopes, but also knew from previous vacations how family getaways can quickly turn sour. But guess what? It was phenomenal. I don’t know how to describe it all. So I’ve narrowed it down to 39 reasons this was our best vacation yet. Lazy Rivers–Because we all need more lazy rivers in our lives. Our hotel (Cabana Bay Beach Resort…